I’ve discovered a book that is in alignment with this season of maximum light and growth. It’s actually a book that was first published twenty years ago and the author is now a beautiful woman in her 80’s. It’s as fresh and relevant now as it was in the 1980’s, and written while the author was in her 50’s. See, it’s never too late to heal your life!
You Can Heal Your Life is by Louise Hay, one of the notable pioneers in the human potential movement. I chose her because in the course of working with all of you, her clear view of the importance of self love keeps bubbling up in all my sessions. Like developing techniques for staying grounded and centered, self love is the foundation for healing. Those two elements are building blocks upon which anything can happen. It is the basis for creating your authentic experience. All of the negative mind chatter, doubt and fear can be traced to the earliest experiences of longing for love. Love, held in the heart center, directed towards ourselves and the wonderful uniqueness of our experience can work miracles. I have had the honor of witnessing that process with clients and it is a beautiful sight.
This book offers her style of healing. She works mainly through affirmations and simple exercises. If the timing is right, they are effective additions to your work, and if the timing is wrong, they seem silly. Pay close attention to your responses as you read, and you’ll know if this is right for you. On a personal note, I saw this book twenty years ago and thought I would rather do anything else in the world than these healing exercises. Now I am fully aware of their power. See what a difference timing makes? I took the long way in embracing this work!
One aspect of healing that Louise Hay returns to over and over again is the importance of practice, practice, practice. You are removing limiting beliefs and it’s an opportunity to treat yourself as a young child learning something new. When babies are learning to walk, do you berate them for each tumble? Of course not. Give yourself the same permission to learn something new.